Daily Boost – How to Motivate Yourself

How can you motivate yourself to get the daily boost

How can you motivate yourself to get the daily boost that will lead you to achieve your goals?

Sometimes something as small as a flimsy sentence or a motivating word can be what saves us through a challenging situation or tough period. Have you heard of trigger words?

Sometimes we need ourselves a little extra, we need a daily boost. It can feel like we have to put in extra gear, find forces we are almost a bit unsure of whether we have, get a little more confidence. It can be an important meeting we are going into a competition we will participate in or a difficult conversation we are going to have. There can be significant and small trials in life that require a lot of us.

What Should I do to stay motivated?

No matter what challenges we face, our inner dialogue plays a significant role. 

Then it is good to have prepared a little in advance so that we do not sabotage ourselves when it matters. This is because it is easy to do by allowing thoughts such as I can not do this! This is hard! I give up! – you name it.

Create motivation to tackle challenges

The list is long of everything we can say to ourselves when we probably need the opposite: belief in our abilities, strength to make good choices, or raw physical strength. 

All that is just as accessible in you as, for example, doubt and lack of self-confidence; you have to make sure to establish the shortcut there in advance. By having a few right trigger words in mind, which can serve as a daily boost, you give your brain alternatives to what may usually pop up in your consciousness at crucial moments.

Trigger words can be a tool to motivate you.

Trigger words are simply a word or phrase that you consciously use to put yourself in the state you want to better cope with the challenge that lies ahead of you.

According to the author of the book “Mental strength training,” there should be something that triggers you strongly emotionally and speaks to you and only you. It should put you in a positive, active state, and in it should be in the present or “as a process that is about to happen.” Fail to use words like no, end, and never. It’s unmotivating.

[Also read: 10 tips to stay motivated in 2020]

The brain does not perceive so-called negations, so if your trigger sentence is, for example, “Do not give up!”

“Give up!” – the opposite of what you want. What your trigger word or phrase is and when you need it, only you know. YOU are your biggest motivator and understand what motivates you.

“I’M RAW!” 


How to get the motivation to exercise?

When I train strength, I consciously use trigger phrases to create motivation. When I do heavy squats, and I am in the so-called “sticking point,” i.e., where I am at my weakest in the lift, then I say to myself: “It is now I become strong!” “I’m RAW!” or “Now, damn it!” 

I almost always have the fraction of a second where my brain is in the malicious variant ( “help, I can not do it!” ). Had I not consciously hammered in words that triggered the raw power in me, I’m not sure if I would have managed the heavy lifting as well. After all, it’s about motivation – even if it can sometimes feel impossible to create. 

Trigger words are mental training that helps motivation.

Some days it is tough to train; the body feels heavy, the self-confidence may not be at its peak, and the inner dialogue is anything but constructive. Then I know that I have my trigger sentences, “my gang,” sort of, the ones that cheer me on and solve me safely through. 

Try it too

Find a trigger word or phrase that puts you in the right mode towards a vital task or challenge. Write the sentence or comment in the palm of your hand or have a note in your pocket, so you always get the reminder. It may seem silly, but I promise you it can be crucial to how you get into a situation, and not least: how to get out of it. Even what seems banal can be essential in creating a daily boost.

Sometimes there are much more severe things than a squat that demands everything of us, and then using trigger words can be a fantastic tool. Sometimes, something as small as a positively charged word or phrase can remind us of who we want to be and what we are made of and light up like a neon sign along a dark and deserted country road:

“I’m good enough.”

Because it’s you. Good enough. It would help if you never forgot that – even in these times where the perfect life hits us on all sides, on social media and in the media in general. Stop comparing yourself with others, and focus on yourself – then you will create a deep inner motivation that is a useful tool in most situations.

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